1) Number sets (including counting/
51) Quadratic formula
natural, whole, integers,
rational, irrational, and real)
52) Complete the square
2) Field Axioms and Equality Axioms,
53) Discriminant, significant values
and definitions of operations
and their meanings
3) Absolute value of a perfect square 54) Absolute value
4) Terms (and like terms) 55) Vertical motion formula and problems
5) Factors (and common factors) 56) Order of Operations
6) Evaluating by substituting values
57) Systems (graphing, addition and
for variables
substitution) Simultaneous equations
7) Transforming and solving
58) Slope and forms of equations
for horizontal & vertical lines
8) Additive inverse (opposite) 59) Finding x & y intercepts
9) +, -, x, ö signed numbers 60) Slope (rise/run)
10) multiply by -1 61) Slope y-intercept form of equations
11) Multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) 62) Point-slope form of equations
12) Distance formulas, horizontal, &]] Gԕ GRTt2aO<E TtQ@TtC[?# W M+̂x$Oeoj1%/W%g O0?Ou?'yG"|%@$O' u# LQI -*ITtQYsQTEPEPQu%)EIQ (
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